Smart meter radiation is a main concern for many families because of its direct effect on the surrounding. There are a lot of  misunderstanding around smart meters due to lack of technical information. Here you will find the corrected information from our professionals. In BezBooz, our team of telecommunication Engineers with Ph.D. and M.Sc. will give you the trusted technical information.

The smart meter has a directional antenna making it emit only in one direction and it dose not radiate in all directions. The main beam of the antenna direction is in the direction of the smart meter front side  while in the back side of the meter there will only be the back lobe radiation. The high power is concentrated only in the front side while the back side has much less power which means it is less effective. The graph shows the smart meter radiation field. It shows clearly that the front side has much power than the back side so the radiation that effects your neighbors in front of the meter is much more than the radiation that effects your home that is in the back of the meter. The smart meter guard EMF shield or cage which is a metal grid put on top of the meter will only protect your neighbors and reflect all the emitted radiation to the back side that is your home. Therefore this way of protection is completely misunderstood because it will only increase the radiation to the back side of the meter. 



The best way to isolate your home from the smart meter radiation is to cover the wall behind the meter with EMF wallpaper. The aluminum in the BezBooz wallpaper will reflect all the radiation to the front side and reduce the smart meter radiation in your home to zero. if there is a window near this wall in the same room it should be also covered with a reflective material. If you need more customized information on how to reduce the radiation of the smart meter, please contact us for free consultation.

Below you could download a useful report that is done in the electric power research institute in the US. It has all the the technical details of two smart meter models. Characterization of Radio frequency Emissions From Two Models of Wireless Smart Meters.

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